Student work · Beth Aston

Student work · Beth Aston

First of all I would concur that Beth’s project was a brave one. To take the camera to oneself in a low moment in one’s existence I think requires a bit of inner strength, especially as it is going to be shown publicly. Beth’s approach has been abstraction and I think that this has worked well with the subject matter. It is revealing enough to give a sense of what is going on and not so in the face that it feels like it promotes look of a voyeur.

Beth made the choice to present the work in black and white, a technical decision that seems to fit well with the choice of abstraction. It leaves me to work a number of things out for myself even if I don’t have all the details of the situation. Leaving her face out of the frame also fits well with the rest of the devices that she has incorporated into the photo work. The work is strong and I think, not unlike the previously analysed image, has some universal resonance with illness, even in people that are relatively young. It seems to make me think of the similar cases that are out there in the world.


Published by Truevisionphotography

I'm a student photographer studying through the OCA a UK based arts university. I'm in the foundation year of my studies and enjoying it immensely. I'm also a yoga teacher and co-founder of Bodhiyoga a buddhism based yoga teacher training program that runs in the UK and Spain each year. As a photographer I'm interested in all forms of fine art. I find the arts really important in my life. I love nature and aim to be in the outdoors as much as I can. Generally I think that all the different strands of my life are flowing to towards self development in the greatest sense of the term. The arts, buddhist practice yoga and meditation are all tools to that end. I feel committed to communication the these values in the world both through the visual arts as well as teaching.

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